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I mean the Count was married, but there was an accident, hes not married now… His voice tapered away and he drew my attention to something else, happy to leave the topic. Getting out of this backwoods jail would have been simplicity itself. They were, of course, moving in on me, going slowly as they had no idea of where I was in the giant loading yard. I leaned over his shoulder and pointed out the interesting parts. I flirted with her until she walked away, having classified me in the category of MALE, BRASH, ANNOYING. Either too lightly settled, so that a stranger would be easilyspotted,or organized and integrated so well that it would be impossible to be around long without some notice being taken. Thinking of her took the edge off my fun, and I managed to excuse myself and go back to the bar. The stairs were back towards the approaching soldiers, I felt like I was running right into their guns.