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I wasnt winning any sucker bets that night. But unless she became interested in me soon I stood a good chance of spending the rest of my days behind these grim walls. Billionaire to found own world… space yacht filled with luxuries to last a hundred years, the captains face grew red as he flipped through the stack of notesWhat connection does this tripe have with catching those murderers?When we were alone he was anything but courteous to me, having assuredhimselfby not-too-subtle questioning that I was a spurious admiral. How come the big jump from office boy to board chairman?You know better than to ask that, she said and smiled, and the temperature of the room rose ten degrees. Lese-majeste is the sort of crime that is usually punishable by death. This was the second time within twelve hours that I had been offered a partnership in the new order. When you have a plan put it into action instantly. But he was such a puffed-up crumb, with barely enou! gh imagination to appreciate the ideas Angelina was feeding him.