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He sat in the center of the plot, like a spider on its web pulling the strings that set things into motion. Send a general order to suspend all future activity with the planted releases. To the spaceyard. What must it feel like to a woman? How do you live when mirrors are your enemies and people turn away rather than look at you? How do you bear life when at the same time you are blessedor cursedwith a keen and intelligent mind that sees and is aware of everything, makes the inescapable conclusions and misses not the slightest hint ofrepulsion. A little better looking than most, at least better constructed. I stifled that train of thought before it started. It all looked too peaceful to be trueyet I had been brought here. When I tuned to faceher myguilty thoughts must have been scrawled all over my face, but she only gave me that enigmatic smile and said nothing.