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Chapter 15Uncivilized as my behavior had been, the jailers persisted in treating me in a most civilized fashion. Nowwho wants to see methe King?Her majesty, the Queen, he managed to squeeze out between thin lips. I went to sleep with the tape player whispering softly in my ears such ego-building epigrams as, You are better than everyone else and you know it, and people who dont know it had better watch out, and They are all fools and if you were in charge things would be different, and why arent you in charge, its easy enough. Everything was ready. His tag Ipocketed,then spent a merry few minutes changing around all the other tags. I wait back to the bar. I fixed one of these on each box, addressed to different pick-up addresses and marked paid of course, and was ready to finish the operation. Yet in succeeding, the strength of the mind that had accomplished all this had been deformed until it had been made as ugly as the body had been in the beginni! ng.