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I was careful not to have my back to him when he was too close; other than this all the precautions had already been taken. Breaking my spirit under the guise of giving me a little background in the Corps activities. The navigator and I plotted their locations in his tank, comparing the positions in relation to the growing sphere that enclosed all the possible locations of the stolen ship. When I looked up I was the only person in the bank that was able to see. Two more men, dressed the same way, pushed in behind him, and I had a glimpse of a fourth one in the hall. Zugthat was his name, I plucked it out of the flowing stream of his monologuebent over an outboard motor clamped to the stem and coaxed it to life. He had a short fuse and it took him a moment to get his temper back under control. He didnt budge when we came up.