I just ran across a very interesting reference to grammar while researching, 
of all things, some ideas I have about teaching poetry.  In a course I took 
this past summer, the instructor frequently referred to readings and 
exercises from a book called "The Poet's Companion" (Addonizio and Laux), 
which I just checked out of the library for further reading.  In the "The 
Poet's Craft" section of the book comes an amazing chapter on grammar - a 
"Grammatical Excursion" - that takes practicing poets on an exploration of 
how to use grammar to actually create meaning!  This approach relocates 
grammar from a tool used only at the end of the writing process ("grammar in 
the context of writing") into part of the entire process of invention itself 
- writing, if you will, in the context of grammar!

Great stuff!

Geoff Layton

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