Dear Fellow Midwestern Birdwatchers,

This is a concise trip report of the much advertised non-profit trip to
We saw fifty birds.

As you may recall I tried to organize a rather last minute trip to the
Duluth area of Minnesota to try for some of the specialties and rarities of
the area. On January fifth there were five of us in a rental van headed for

We saw almost every resident or all-but-guaranteed species but two or three.
For some reason, (only the birds know) the once-copious-this-winter Bohemian
Waxwings and Purple Finches were nowhere to be seen or heard.

We missed the Boreal Owl migration  by a few hours -literally! Mike
Hendrickson, a very good local guide, kept with the story that "they are do
soon" and "they show up around this time every year - there's got to be one
here now!." We mounted a concerted search for one the night before our
departure -but to no avail. The next morning, on Sunday the 11th, I checked
the MOU-RBA -as I always do- and lo and behold, they had found one dead that
night of our search.

As we neared Madison, WI on Highway 94, Mike Hendrickson called us to let us
now that we should "come quick" as he was staring straight at one.

During the following week as I was birding in Florida (the reason for the
tardiness of this posting) many more were found, including a cyclist Boreal
Owl perched on a bike in someone's garage in Duluth.

Well, that's birding.

We did however -quite unexpectedly- find a Townsend's Solitaire in Ely, MN.
Thanks to you, Mark, for finding that one!

We did not see the Harlequin duck or the Varied Thrush that had been so
enthusiastically reported and chased in the week prior to our arrival to the
frozen north of Minnesota.

For the rest of the story, simply take a look at out trip report. The trip
report is available on This is a wonderful bird listing website
run by a few "Twichers" in England. I will post all of my trip report here
and they may be found by my name: Morris Gevirtz, or by searching for the
birding location.

You may also view the list at this URL:<goog_1232637972987>

I have also appended the list to this message.

Here's a link to some of the pictures of the

One other matter of business. (but not for business)

This trip was so pleasant, so entertaining, birdfully successful and cheap
(less than $400) that I want to do something similar again -and soon!

I have some ideas about where to organize another trip.

*Crane Creek* in around May 15th (the peak or the warbler migration there)

*Southern Florida* and the Dry Tortugas in April or May

*Belize and/or Southern Mexico* in June or July. (Note: I am a native
Spanish speaker and Latin America is my stomping ground!)

Would any of you be interested in doing something like this. Have you any
other places in mind?

Lets join forces and together go places we wouldn't go on our own. Let's
meet new people, see great places and, of course, pad our bird lists


Morris Gevirtz: Minnesota Life List MOURC Record(s) 1 to 50 of 50 total.
No.    Species    Scientific Name    Date    Location    Comments
1    Canada Goose    Branta canadensis    05/01/2009    Wisconsin
2    *Tundra Swan*    Cygnus columbianus    05/01/2009    Near baraboo
Lone bird among hundreds of Canada Geese
3    American Black Duck    Anas rubripes    06/01/2009    Duluth, Canal

4    Mallard    Anas platyrhynchos        Seen all along the trip
5    Common Goldeneye    Bucephala clangula        Lake Superior    Tens to
Hundredred seen most every day along Lake Superior
6    *Barrow's Goldeneye *   Bucephala islandica    06/01/2009    Duluth
Canal, near Naval Museum
7    Common Merganser    Mergus merganser    06/01/2009    Duluth Canal

8    *Ruffed Grouse *   Bonasa umbellus        Minnesota    Two specimens
found dead in St. Louis and Lake Co. on two different days.
9    *Sharp-tailed Grouse *   Tympanuchus phasianellus    10/01/2009
Tamarack, MN    One flock of more than Thirty Seen .25 miles south of
Tamarack. Seen right at dawn.
10    Wild Turkey    Meleagris gallopavo        Wisconsin    Several flocks
seen along the highway on the trip to and from Duluth
11   * Bald Eagle*    Haliaeetus leucocephalus        Wisconsin,
Minnesota    Many tens seen throught the trip and every day near feeding on
carcases, fish, or garbage at the Superior Dump.
12    Red-tailed Hawk    Buteo jamaicensis        Wisconsin    Seen from the
highway on the trips to and from Suluth.
13    *Rough-legged Hawk*    Buteo lagopus    11/01/2009    Wisconsin
Several seen from the highway on the return trip from Duluth
14    American Kestrel    Falco sparverius    05/01/2009    Wisconsin
Several Individuals seen along highway, one found dead.
15    Herring Gull    Larus argentatus        Lake Superior    Seen every
day in great quantities
16   * Thayer's Gull*    Larus thayeri    10/01/2009    Superior Dump, WI
One maybe two seen at dump.
17   * Iceland Gull *   Larus glaucoides    10/01/2009    Superior Dump,
WI    One Gleaming indivisual seen at Superior Dump
18    *Lesser Black-backed Gull*    Larus fuscus        Superior Dump, WI
One maybe two seen at dump.
19    Rock Pigeon    Columba livia        Ubiquitous    Can you belive that
we saw more than ten of these?
20    Mourning Dove    Zenaida macroura    05/01/2009    Canal Park
Partcularly beautiful bird.
21   * Snowy Owl*    Bubo scandiacus    07/01/2009    Lake Superior (Seen
from Superior, WI)    One yarmocha wearing indivisual, heavily tagged and
painted soppoted on the Lake ice on this day.
22    *Northern Hawk Owl*    Surnia ulula    07/01/2009    Corner of Co Rd.
7 and Sax rd.
23    *Great Gray Owl*    Strix nebulosa    07/01/2009    Sax Zim Bog,
Two individuals seen on on this date and the other along the Hwy 61 on the
24    Boreal Owl    Aegolius funereus    11/01/2009    NOT SEEN BY GROUP
Our guide called us to have us see the owl he FINALLY found as we were 200
miles south of Duluth.
25    Red-bellied Woodpecker    Melanerpes carolinus    05/01/2009    Near
Baraboo WI    One individual Hear in woods near Baraboo.
26    Downy Woodpecker    Picoides pubescens            Many seen and heard
throughout the trip
27    *Hairy Woodpecker*    Picoides villosus    07/01/2009    Sax Zim
Bog    Regularly seen at Carcass feeders in the Bog
28    *American Three-toed Woodpecker *   Picoides dorsalis    09/01/2009
McDavitt Rd.    One individual seen a
29    *Black-backed Woodpecker*    Picoides arcticus    09/01/2009
McDavitt Rd.
30    Pileated Woodpecker    Dryocopus pileatus    10/01/2009    Kitchi Gami
Park    One Awesome guy in a tree. GREAT views.
31    Northern Shrike    Lanius excubitor    06/01/2009    HWY 51    Several
individuals seen along this highway.
32    *Gray Jay*    Perisoreus canadensis    09/01/2009    Admiral Road
33    Blue Jay    Cyanocitta cristata        Ubiquitous
34    *Black-billed Magpie *   Pica hudsonia    09/01/2009    Sax Zim Bog

35    American Crow    Corvus brachyrhynchos        Ubiquitous
36    Common Raven    Corvus corax        Ubiquitous north of Eau Clair

37    Black-capped Chickadee    Poecile atricapillus        Ubiquitous

38    *Boreal Chickadee *   Poecile hudsonica    09/01/2009    Admiral Road
Feeder    Seen every day at feeder
39    Red-breasted Nuthatch    Sitta canadensis    06/01/2009        Seen
everyday at feeders and thought the trip
40    White-breasted Nuthatch    Sitta carolinensis        Ubiquitous

41   * Townsend's Solitaire*    Myadestes townsendi    09/01/2009    Ely,
MN    One individual seen on Lookout Ridge Road
42    Northern Cardinal    Cardinalis cardinalis        Ubiquitous
43   * Pine Grosbeak*    Pinicola enucleator    09/01/2009    Gilbert, MN
Residential Feeder
44    House Finch    Carpodacus mexicanus        Sparse but widespread

45    *White-winged Crossbill*    Loxia leucoptera        Gilbert, MN

46    *Common Redpoll *   Carduelis flammea        Ubiquitous    Copious
this year
47    *Hoary Redpoll*    Carduelis hornemanni    09/01/2009    Gilbert, MN
Residential Feeder
48    *Pine Siskin *   Carduelis pinus    06/01/2009        Seen several
times thoughut trip at feeders
49    *Evening Grosbeak*    Coccothraustes vespertinus        Blue Spruce
Rd. Feeder    Seen everyday aBlue Spruce Feeders
50    House Sparrow    Passer domesticus        Ubiquitous


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