Wednesday between 10 am and 2pm I spent time at Horseshoe Pond/Treefarm
Trail and Kendall Lake in Cuyahoga Valley NP.

Horseshoe Pond sightings:

green heron
great blue heron
wood duck
turkey vulture
cooper's hawk
red shouldered hawk
ruby throated hummingbird
downy woodpecker
eastern wood pewee
acadian flycatcher  - all flycatchers called and were confirmed except this
eastern phoebe
great crested flycatcher
BLUE HEADED VIREO - great looks, down low
red eyed vireo - also down low, great look at red eyes
blue jay
bc chickadee
tufted titmouse
RED BREASTED NUTHATCH - usually found at this area year round
white breasted nuthatch
house wren + fledgelings

Kendall Lake, which is drawn down for dam repair (low water levels and
mudflats), I added:

canada goose
mourning dove
n. rough winged swallow
barn swallow
belted kingfisher
eastern kingbird
american crow
swamp sparrow
red winged blackbird

Notably absent (undetected) at either place:
yellow warbler
baltimore oriole
common yellowthroat
all woodpeckers except downy
red tailed hawk


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