The relatively small Kiwanis Park was raining migrants (and rain) today, including over 30 rose breasted grosbeaks and lots of warblers and thrushes.  Unfortunately the absolute deluge made warbler ID a bit tricky in some cases (even the Cedar Waxwings looked disheveled!).  Tomorrow will hopefully be a bit drier.

Warblers and others observed at Kiwanis (other sites listed below):

Black-and-white (only singing warbler)
Black-throated green
American redstart
Northern parula
Possible Mourning (skulky guy, couldn't get a good look).
White-eyed vireo (almost landed on my head!)
Warbling vireo
Swainson's thrush
Gray-cheeked thrush
American robin
Cedar waxwing (over 50)
Eastern phoebe
Eastern wood-pewee
Great crested flycatcher
Empid. sp.
Red-bellied woodpecker
Downy woodpecker
Northern flicker
White-breasted nuthatch
Wood duck
Great blue heron
Carolina wren
Possible Winter wren (chattery petit wren that dissapeared into the     wetland vegetation and never reemerged for a better look)
Chimney swift
Northern Cardinal
Probably a few more I'm forgetting or didn't get a good enough look to positively ID!

I also stopped by Darby Creek Metropark in the morning but the area I visited lacked migrants, with the notable exception of two yellow-bellied flycatchers.

I tried to find Charlie's Connecticut warbler at Oxbow in the afternoon (a nemesis life bird for me) but the rain was of even more biblical proportions up north and I only located a handful on non-connecticut warblers and a philly vireo (hope for better luck in the morning).

The rain kept all other humans away, and made for some sublime birding (but I do hope to see a few more of you out there tomorrow!)



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