
Institute for Strategic Funding Development  
Strategic Grant Development Proposal Workshop (Sponsored by ISFD)  
location: Cincinnati  State Technical & Community college. 

Dates: October 6 - 8,  2010

In today’s challenging environment, learning the secrets to effective grant writing is critical to secure funding. What if you could learn directly from the experts? Think of the time you could save and the mistakes you could avoid.  This may be the one simple action you take that will dramatically increase your chances of securing grant funding.

All ISFD Workshops are considered CFRE Accredited Courses for 20 contact hours or 20 CFRE Continuing Education Points!  Participants completing the ISFD grant writing workshop will receive the following: a Certificate of Completion accredited by CFRE, grant funding CD, bonus fundraising CD, expert grant training instruction from grant industry leaders and much more! Please visit our website at  or give us a call 877.414.8991 to sign up now.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Educators, non-profit professionals, graduate students, administrators & researchers in the sciences and social sciences should register as soon as possible. Spaces fills up quickly, which means registration is on a first-come-first serve basis.

The Institute for Strategic Funding Development's grant writing workshop designed to teach the basics of grant writing for industry professionals. It provides a comprehensive overview of effective grant development techniques, including: finding best fit funding sources, creating innovative programs, and planning for funding sustainability. The workshop is great for government, academic, research, health and non-profit professionals new to the grant writing world as well for professionals looking to expand their grant writing knowledge. The workshop will provide an intensive and interactive grant proposal development experience where you will learn the proposal writing process in its entirety. As an added bonus, you will be able to develop a draft proposal or have our instructor review one of your existing grant proposals.  
The Strategic Grant Writing Proposal Workshop will be presented in 3 sessions:  
Strategic Proposal Writing
Preparing a successful written proposal requires an organized, systematic approach to effectively convey your story. This workshop provides a step-by-step writing process to deal with any and all application requirements. What's more, you will learn why proposal writing is much different than other kinds of writing.  
Strategic Program Planning 
Planning a winning proposal requires developing ideas that are clear, significant and compelling. Your ideas must not only meet the criteria of a grant maker, but they must also demonstrate your in-depth knowledge about a grant maker.                                                                

Strategic Grant Research  
Through interactive exercises, discussions, applicable research assignments and individual consultations, you will learn how to strategically identify appropriate funding agencies. This course will expose you to database applications, online research tools, as well as traditional publications that contain information about multiple grant opportunities.

Tuition for our three-day grant writing workshop is $ 598 per person, with a $50 discount for early sign-ups (10 business days or more before the workshop). Each participant will receive the following:

* ISFD Certificate of Completion accredited by CFRE with 20 Continuation Education Units (CEU) or 20 Contact Hours  
* Strategic Grant Proposal Writing Workbook and Fundraising & Research CD

* Strategic Grant Proposal Personalized Materials 
* On-Going Consulting Services with ISFD Instructors & Staff  
1) Online

2) Phone - Call us at 877.414.8991. An ISFD consultant will be more than happy to assist you with your registration and answer any questions or concerns. 
3) Email - Send an email to
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