Good morning -

Just a reminder that applications for the CER graduate student conference are due one week from 
today, March 7, 2011.

Thank you.

On Wed, 26 Jan 2011 01:28:45 -0500, Bretz, Stacey Lowery Dr. <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Good evening.
>I am writing to the CER graduate students on the listserv. If you are an advisor, would you please 
forward this to your students? (and maybe encourage them to join the listserv, too?)
>Applications are now being accepted for the 2nd Chemistry Education Research (CER) Graduate 
Student Conference to be held on the campus of Miami University in Oxford, OH from June 10-12, 
2011. This conference is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation as part of a 
larger grant to develop CER scholars who will seek positions in chemistry departments conducting 
research about the teaching and learning of chemistry.
>Conference Highlights
>CER graduate students from across the U.S. will gather at Miami University for a weekend 
conference to share their research projects, develop emerging networks with peers, and meet 
leading scholars in the field of chemistry education research. In order to prepare CER graduate 
students to successfully compete on the academic job market, the conference will provide an 
intensive introduction to the culture and practice of job applications and job interviews for CER 
positions in chemistry departments.
>The workshop agenda includes plenary research sessions about CER in public schools, as well 
CER in upper division chemistry courses. A panel of CER scholars will share how their careers have 
evolved at a variety of institutions from undergraduate colleges to large research institutions. 
>There will be interactive workshops about both job applications (CVs, research plans, etc.) and 
job interviews (phone vs. face to face, job talks, start-up, etc.). By hands-on and interactive, I 
mean that graduate students will have the opportunity to critique CVs, participate in mock 
interviews, and learn more about what kind of jobs suit your talents and interests (not just sit and 
listen passively to someone tell you what you ought to do someday once you get to be a 
>All graduate students will also be asked to bring a poster describing their research, no matter 
how preliminary their project or findings. And of course, there will be networking, networking, and 
more networking opportunities!
>It is our hope that these activities will afford numerous opportunities for graduate students to 
develop a professional presence in the CER community well before graduation, and hopefully 
thereby contribute to a significant reduction in the "incubation" period many new assistant 
professors experience.
>Logistics & Applications
>The NSF grant will pay for transportation to/from Miami University, lodging for the conference, 
and most meals. Students may read more about conference logistics and may apply online at
>We very much wish to convene a diverse group of students for this mentoring opportunity. 
Priority will be given to ensure a mix of graduate students from those just completing their first or 
second year to those about to defend their dissertation. We anticipate accepting up to 40 graduate 
>Applications completed by March 7, 2011 will receive priority consideration.
>We look forward to receiving your application.
>Stacey Lowery Bretz
>Stacey Lowery Bretz
>Professor of Chemistry
>Chair, Board of Trustees, ACS Examinations Institute
>Miami University
>Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
>651 E. High Street
>Oxford, OH 45056
>513-529-3731 voice
>513-529-5715 fax
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