From: Crist, Thomas O.
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 12:10 PM
To: Withrow, Denise Gayle Ms.
Subject: IES News and Upcoming Events


Dear IES Alumni,


Greetings from our new location in Upham Hall!  The move from Boyd was a big adjustment for the staff and graduate students but our centrally located space will promote the visibility of the IES.  This is important for a variety of reasons, especially now that we administer two undergraduate interdisciplinary co-majors in environmental science and sustainability. 


I would like to introduce two new IES staff members.  Suzanne Zazycki is the new Outreach Coordinator.  Suzi is a graduate of IES, and holds a law degree from the University of Toledo with a certificate in Environmental Law.  Her roles are to coordinate professional service projects, and help students with internships, practica and advising.  Adam Berland is a visiting instructor in IES and the Department of Geography. He comes to us from the University of Minnesota and has interests in urban ecology, GIS, and spatial analysis.  Welcome Suzi and Adam!


Several IES events are planned next weekend October 21 and 22.  As a prelude to our annual Professional Symposium, we are hosting an open house next Friday, Oct 21 from 2-5 pm in Upham 254.  Saturday Oct 22 from 1-5 pm is our annual IES Professional Symposium in the Shriver Center Multipurpose Room B.  This year's speakers are IES graduates working the areas of campus sustainability, renewable energy, and GIS in planning and resource management.  The annual IES awards banquet is also Saturday Oct 22 from 6:30-9 pm.  If you would like to join us, the cost is $20; please RSVP by Oct 17th with Denise Withrow, [log in to unmask] or 529-5811. I am attaching a flyer with all three events and a larger poster featuring the symposium.  If you are in the Oxford area next weekend, please come see us at one or more of these events!


I also wanted to convey some exciting news.  I coauthored a paper on biodiversity that was recently published in Science magazine.  We were thrilled that our article made the cover story.  The following Miami Press Release provides more details:  In his Annual Address, President David Hodge referred to this accomplishment as an example of tackling big problems and enterpreneurial thinking


As Director of IES, I will bring the same commitment of tackling big problems and enterpreneurial thinking to the institute.  The faculty affiliates of the IES continue to be committed to our core and expanding mission, and the administration and academic departments are supportive our efforts to lead academic integration of the environment and sustainability in the graduate and undergraduate curriculum.  You can help us in various ways in meeting these challenges, by providing your input and continued financial support.  There will be more to come about these opportunities in the near future.


Finally, we are beginning to plan for a celebration of the 40th IES entering class (1971-2011) the weekend of Feb 3.  This will be kicked off by the Gene and Carol Willeke Frontiers in Environmental Science lecture on Thursday Feb 2.  Michael Webber from the University of Texas will be speaking on the nexus of water, energy, and food production.  Reunion events will be planned for Friday and Saturday Feb 3 and 4.  Save the date!


Best regards,



Thomas O. Crist
Director, Institute for the Environment and Sustainability
Professor, Department of Zoology
Miami University
254 Upham Hall
Oxford, OH 45056
Voice 513-529-5811
Fax 513-529-5814