Hey guys,

This may be of interest to many of you - JetBrains has made all of their famous IDEs available for free to students with a valid .edu address (i.e. you).

Some of these that may be of particular interest:

* IntelliJ - basically Eclipse but better. Also supports Android development and Java EE
* PyCharm - an amazing Python IDE. This is typically what I use when I do bigger Python projects and it is what we used on the cybersecurity team at GE. There is a free version available, but the commercial version includes Django for web development.
* ReSharper - a great add-on to MS Visual Studio for C# development

There’s also other great IDE’s for other languages including WebStorm (javascript), phpStorm (php, duh), AppCode (add-on for doing iOS development), and RubyMine (ruby, again duh)

Check out more here - http://blog.jetbrains.com/blog/2014/09/23/jetbrains-makes-its-products-free-for-students/

Hope you guys like it,
