SEPTEMBER 07, 2014 - Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge Monthly Census.
ROUTES: Same usual morning & afternoon routes. TIME: 8:00am-12:15pm; 2:00pm-5:40pm
TEMP.: 54-77 COND.: Sunny & warm. OBS.: Katie Clink (morning only), Mike Edgington, Nancy Gilder (morning only), Dave & Kim Myles (morning only), Ed Pierce, Jim Reyda, Al & Betty Schlecht (morning only) & Douglas W. Vogus.
1. Eastern Fox Squirrel - 1
2. Eastern Cottontail - 1
3. White-tailed Deer - 1 (doe)
1. Canada Goose - 385
2. Trumpeter Swan - 44 (6 young)
3. Wood Duck - 149
4. American Black Duck - 1
5. Mallard - 144
6. Blue-winged Teal - 91
7. Northern Shoveler - 4
8. Green-winged Teal - 31
9. Pied-billed Grebe - 26
10. Double-crested Cormorant - 52
11. Great Blue Heron - 94
12. Great Egret - 266
13. Snowy Egret - 24
14. Black-crowned Night-Heron - 8
15. Osprey - 1
16. Bald Eagle - 6 (3 adult,3 immature)
17. Cooper's Hawk - 1
18. Red-tailed Hawk - 8
19. Sora - 1
20. Common Gallinule - 7
21. Sandhill Crane - 3
22. Semipalmated Plover - 9
23. Killdeer - 33
24. Greater Yellowlegs - 45
25. Lesser Yellowlegs - 28
26. Solitary Sandpiper - 2
27. Spotted Sandpiper - 1
28. Hudsonian Godwit - 1
29. Marbled Godwit - 1
30. Sanderling - 5
31. Semipalmated Sandpiper - 4
32. Least Sandpiper - 3
33. Short-billed Dowitcher - 2
34. Wilson's Snipe - 4
35. Wilson's Phalarope - 1
36. Bonaparte's Gull - 1
37. Ring-billed Gull - 117
38. Herring Gull - 4
39. Caspian Tern - 21
40. Mourning Dove - 32
41. Great Horned Owl - 1
42. Chimney Swift - 1
43. Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 2
44. Belted Kingfisher - 5
45. Red-headed Woodpecker - 2
46. Red-bellied Woodpecker - 6
47. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 1
48. Downy Woodpecker - 17
49. Northern Flicker - 23
50. Eastern Wood-Pewee - 2
51. Willow Flycatcher - 1
52. Eastern Phoebe - 8
53. Great Crested Flycatcher - 3
54. Eastern Kingbird - 2
55. Warbling Vireo - 32
56. Philadelphia Vireo - 1
57. Red-eyed Vireo - 5
58. Blue Jay - 27
59. Horned Lark - 3
60. Tree Swallow - 1,553
61. Barn Swallow - 3
62. Black-capped Chickadee - 5
63. Tufted Titmouse - 2
64. White-breasted Nuthatch - 8
65. House Wren - 1
66. Marsh Wren - 5
67. Gray-cheeked Thrush - 1
68. Swainson's Thrush - 15
69. Hermit Thrush - 2
70. American Robin - 137
71. Gray Catbird - 61
72. Northern Mockingbird - 1
73. Brown Thrasher - 1
74. European Starling - 901
75. Cedar Waxwing - 8
76. Common Yellowthroat - 18
77. Magnolia Warbler - 2
78. American Redstart - 1
79. Black-throated Green Warbler - 2
80. Chipping Sparrow - 1
81. Field Sparrow - 5
82. Song Sparrow - 15
83. Swamp Sparrow - 2
84. Northern Cardinal - 33
85. Indigo Bunting - 6
86. Red-winged Blackbird - 3,222
87. Common Grackle - 2,292
88. Brown-headed Cowbird - 2
89. Baltimore Oriole - 1
90. House Finch - 16
91. American Goldfinch - 31
92. House Sparrow - 22
1. Bullfrog
2. Northern Leopard Frog
1. Common Carp
2. Largemouth Bass
1. Cabbage White
2. Clouded Sulphur
3. Eastern Tailed Blue - 1
4. Red Admiral
5. Buckeye
6. Red-spotted Purple
7. Viceroy
8. Monarch

Douglas W. Vogus - Akron, Ohio.


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