The last two days have been great with large numbers and good variety of
waterfowl.  Dick Hoopes and I counted 15 Sandhill Crane’s at dusk on the
‘gull sand spit’ (about ½ the distance between the boathouse and the dam
along Valley Road).  One of them had a radio tracking device on one leg and
a band on the other.  (
Pictures are poor quality because it was dusk and I was pushing the ISO to
get pictures that were not blurred!


This is the second time I have photographed a Sandhill at LaDue with a radio
tracking device. The last time was December 12, 2009.  I also have a picture
of one at Funk Bottoms from September, 2010.  It appears that a lot of
research is being conducted on these birds if one birder can see so many
tracked birds.


We keep checking the lake every day because it has a history of producing
Scoters and Long-tailed Ducks.  Wouldn’t that be nice to get for us
‘twitchers’ (aka, listers)!   See eBird for the latest sightings.


Matt Valencic

Geauga County


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