Hi Everyone,

The day gets better—a male red-Winged Blackbird is visiting our feeders now. They have done that at about this time for the last few years—sadly our little back-yard pond is just too small, and too few reeds, for them to nest. We’ve seen them checking it out in the past—then they move on to better sites.

Best to all,

Steve Cagan
Cleveland Heights, Cuyahoga County

> Steve Cagan, photographer
> [log in to unmask] <applewebdata:[log in to unmask]>
> www.stevecagan.com <http://www.stevecagan.com/>
> www.elchocomining.net <http://www.elchocomining.net/>http://elchocomining.tumblr.com <http://elchocomining.tumblr.com/>www.pbase.com/stevecagan <http://www.pbase.com/stevecagan>
> www.stevecagan.blogspot.com <http://www.stevecagan.blogspot.com/>
> http://socialdocumentary.net/photographer/stevecagan <http://socialdocumentary.net/photographer/stevecagan>
> 216-932-2753 (USA)
> 322-344-7909 (Colombia)


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