Lots of warbler activity at Firestone Metropark in the last week,
particularly around the Coventry Oaks pavilion area, along the trail that
runs between the river and canal, and along the boardwalk:

Black-throated Green
Chestnut-sided (along the canal and river)
Magnolia (first found yesterday by Dennis Mersky, seen where the river
trail connects to the Coventry Oaks connector trail)
Northern Waterthrush (just north of the boardwalk near the river)
Ovenbird (where Axline Ave connector trail links up to Willow Trail)
American Redstart (along the river)

I also found a Swainson's Thrush singing very quietly in the bushes between
the Coventry Oaks parking lot and the pavilion, a Veery on the southern end
of the boardwalk, a Least Flycatcher in the same spot as the Magnolia
Warbler, and a Scarlet Tanager along the canal.

Brian Tinker


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