Plenty of resident birds were around this reservoir north of Columbus this
morning, including some unusual finds.  I stopped at the Visitors Center &
beach, the New Galena boat ramp, Plumb Rd access, SummerRidge Access, and
the Cheshire boat ramp, before the weather got too hot.  Notables included:

Common Loon -  a basic-plumaged bird off the beach continues the string of
enigmatic summer sightings of this species on this busy reservoir.

Osprey - a single bird was foraging at New Galena, while a pair were
soaring over Cheshire.

Gulls - a crowd of 175 Ring-billeds were on the beach - all adults,
presumably non-breeders or failed breeders.  They were joined by one adult
Herring Gull

Shorebirds - a handful of Killdeer were at the beach, and a Spotted
Sandpiper was calling at the dam spillway.

Cuckoos - Yellow-bills were calling at several stops, continuing a strong
summer for this species

Flycatchers - plenty of Pewees & Acadians in appropriate habitat, and
E.Kingbirds at many shore sites, especially around the boat ramps.  3-4
Willow Flycatchers were still in the scrubby area near the Visitors Center.

Swallows - Purple Martins were at many shore sites, and were still around
the colony at the dam. Cliff Swallows were at every site, topped by a huge
flock of 220+ birds around the dam colony.

Warblers - not much, with Yellows at many shore sites, and a single calling
Louisiana Waterthrush in the wooded ravine at the Lewis Center Rd Mountain
Bike Trail

Grassland Species - the large grassland below the dam had a few
specialties, including 1 singing Savannah Sparrow and 2-3 E.Meadowlarks


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