I birded Wilderness Road near Funk in Wayne Co., today from 2:30-4:30pm. I
saw over 350 tundra swans in flooded fields there, mostly north of
Wilderness Rd, west of the big ponds. They are not near the road, so a
scope is needed. Along with them were 100s of Canada Geese and mallards. In
addition, there were about 25 redheads, and less than 10 each of black
ducks, pintail, green-winged teal, Am. wigeon, and ring-necked duck. I saw
a male and two female hooded merganser. On the agricultural fields south of
Wilderness Rd., there were about 50 sandhill cranes along with many of the
Canada geese. Five bald eagles were spotted - two adults, and three
juveniles. There is a lot of water there, but right now, it is not over the

Randy Rowe, Wooster


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