Such a nice day to be out so I drove up to my former birding haunts near Hudson (Summit Cty). Beaver Marsh was mostly frozen and quiet but nice to see a couple Golden-crowned Kinglets. White-throated Sparrows predominated but there were a few Song Sparrows as well as a handful of Am Tree Sparrows. only ducks were mallard and Black. One lone Great Blue Heron was fishing along the canal. A few Cedar Waxwings along w/the usual chickadees, titmice, cardinals, jays and Carolina Wrens. Downy & Red-bellied WPs

At Station Crossing, I added E Bluebirds, Lincoln Sparrow, Pileated and Red-headed WPs. Only raptor was Red-tailed Hawk. Bird of day was the snoozing red morph Screech-owl in its hole by the steel bridge. Good scope views in the late afternoon light. Looked for but didn’t find the gray morph on the other side of the river. 

Peggy Wang
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