Migration was spotty at these two metroparks southeast of Columbus.  Water
levels at Pick Ponds are quite high, so waders were scarce and shorebirds
scarcer.  Raptors put on a good show at both parks, and warblers seems to
have been largely replaced by flycatchers as the conspicuous landbirds.
Highlights included:

Blue-wingedTeal - a pair were visible from the Glacier Knoll viewpoint at
Pick ponds
SandhillCrane - a single bird was foraging in the tall grass at the same
BaldEagles - adults were at both Ellis Pond and Greenwing Pond at Pick Ponds
Cooper's Hawks were in evidence at several spots at Pick Ponds and at
Blacklick Woods
Cuckoo - a single Yellow-billed was calling at the Wood Duck picnic area at
Pick Ponds

Red-headed Woodpecker - a single bird was roaming between the entrance and
Ashton Pond at Blacklick Woods

Flycatchers - fairly large numbers of wood pewees,Empidonax, and Great
Crested Flycatchers were at both parks, as well as Portman Park between
them.  The only unusual species was a calling Alder Flycatcher at the Wood
Duck Picnic Area at Pick Ponds

Vireos - good #s of Red-eyeds were everywhere, and Blacklikc Woods had 4-5
singing White-eyed.  Warblings were at several spots at Pick Ponds and
Portman Park.

Thrushes - a few lingering Swainson's were at both parks, while 6-7 Wood
Thrushes were on territories along the forest trails at Blacklick Woods

Warblers - loads of the expected residents (Yellows, ComYellowthroats) at
Pick Ponds.  Blacklick Woods had only a few obvious migrants (Blackburnian,
Redstart) and 2 singing Hoodeds likely trying to set up territories along
the Maple Loop trail

Orioles,Chats - Baltimores were widespread, but an Orchard was also at Pick
Ponds.  3 Chats were along the Meadowlark Trail at Pick Ponds


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