I don’t know if anyone is planning on chasing the Swainson’s Warbler at New Carlisle today but I thought I would offer some info that might be helpful. Obviously, ignore this post if u r not interested. 

 no other birders were there when I arrived around 12:30 so I had to wing it based on the couple listserve postings. 

First, Smith Park looks like the last place to go birding & I had no idea what was meant by the Tecumseh Trail.  Fortunately, Cole’s parking directions directed me to the back of the park where there was a paved mixed use trail. I’m presuming this is the tecumseh Trail. 

Heading right from the dead end st where I parked, I found a small “x” with short sticks to the left of the trail. I stopped & immediately heard the Warbler’s quite distinctive loud song nearby but it was apparent it would be impossible to get a view from the trail unless it popped out near the trail. You have to make your way down deer paths and try to peer through the tangles. I was confused in that I couldn’t see a stream that was mentioned. 

I had the bird quite close a couple times but never even saw movement then it worked its way right, singing regularly. 

Proceeding on the trail farther right, I found 2 birders standing by a much larger stick“x”.  The bird was singing close to this location but down in the woods. We found an obvious used path down to the stream. 

The bird teased us w/frequent singing, often close then going deeper into the woods. No sightings although I did see leaves being tossed behind a log but I’d also seen Towhees & a Swainson’s Thrush in the area but I’d heard singing close to that spot. Never know. 

The other birders left but I stayed by the stream as the Warbler was still singing frequently despite being past 2 pm. It would almost circle around me, close then farther away. I had it v close a couple times but only saw it in silhouette in shadow as it momentarily perched low flying between hiding spots on the ground. Luckily, the profile view i find pretty distinctive. 

Bird went silent around 3. Had nice views of a N Parula coming to the stream to drink. Also saw the red-shouldered hawk nest not far beyond the 2nd X in the right side of the trail in a tall sycamore. 

Good luck with this skulker. I saw it well, if briefly, many years ago in tx so it would have been great to get better looks but I certainly heard it enough. Thx for everyone’s posts. 

Peggy Wang

Sent from my iPhone

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