Yes, you read that right.  Water levels in O'Shaughnessy reservoir are dropping, probably because they are getting ready to reinforce the dam.  Twin Lakes already has extensive mudflats, and had 3 species of wader (Gret BlueHeron,GreatEgret,GreenHeron) and 5 species of shorebird (Semipalmated Plover, Killdeer, Spotted Spr, Solitary Spr, LesserYellowlegs).  Better hurry, though, as the Lakes were draining fast.

If the reservoir is going down, the other good spot should be Pylon Point (Area P) at the north end.  Today it was not very low, but did have some Great Blues & Great Egrets, along with lots of cormorants.  The Point itself also had a Yellow-billed Cuckoo, E.Kingbirds, and Great Crested Flycatchers, among others.

I also stopped by the dam (where the park is still largely blocked off due to construction), where there were 24 Turkey Vultures and 1 Black Vulture, along with more cormorants and some lingering swallows around the dam.  Further downstream in the gorge, Amberleigh Park and Donegal Cliffs Park had expected summer landbirds and little new in the way of waterbirds.

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