I birded several areas along the Scioto River corridor from downtown south, including Scioto Audubon, Berliner, Haul Rd, and Scioto Grove MetroPark, with a side trip to Big Run Park, and had little to show for it besides a nice morning.  The cold snap last week has really knocked down leaves and insects, and the birds seem to have declined as well.  Most notable were

HoodedMergansers - small flocks in many places along the river, with 16 at Berliner the tops
Pied-billedGrebes - singles were in the river at Berliner & Scioto Grove
Cormorants - still 3-4 around the Greenlawn Dam area
Gulls - a small ice shelf at Scioto Audubon held 65+ Ring-bills, while smaller flocks were commuting over Scioto Grove, presumably between the Wastewater treatment Plant and the Dump
Sharp-shinnedHawks - 1 was at Scioto Grove, while another was at nearby Big Run Park
Robins - sizeable flocks were working honeysuckle bushes at many locations
Starlings - some big flocks were down in the Scioto grove area
Warblers - only Yellow-rumped, and they were not very common
Sparrows - Songs & White-throats widespread; also had a Field at Scioto Audubon.  Juncos were widespread, but only common at Greenlawn cemetery.

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