There was still movement of temperate migrants, sa well as the first hints of waterfowl migration, at this reservoir north of Columbus this morning.  I stopped at the Beach & Visitors Center, New Galena, Plumb Rd and SummerRidge accesses, and the Cheshire boat launch, and all had interesting birds on the cold clear morning.  Notables included:

Waterfowl - the beach hosted 6 Common Loons and a Pied-billed Grebe, while New Galena had 180+ Coots and 10 Ruddy Ducks.  More northerly spots had nothing.

Shorebirds - the beach still held 8 Killdeer as well as a cluster of 6 Dunlin

Gulls - small numbers of Bonaparte's were at every stop, while the beach had 60+ Ring-bills and 7 Herring Gulls

Woodpeckers - a Pileated was around the Visitors Center, and Flickers were in numbers at many spots

Kinglets - very little, with only a few Golden-crowned scattered between the Visitors Center and New Galena

Bluebirds - small flocks at nearly every stop, totaling 20 in 3 hours;  the Visitors Center was tops with 9

Waxwings - small numbers at every stop, with 30 at Plum Rd access the high

Warblers - lots of Yellow-rumps

Sparrows - Songs & White-throats at nearly every stop.  The Visitors Center also had some Fields and Chippings

Blackbirds - a few Redwings and grackles were at most stops, but more interesting was a flock of Rusties that took off, heading south from New Galena

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