Except for lots of mallards, not many waterfowl. A few shovelers at pick ponds. Had 4 distant Sandhill Cranes with a flyover of 3 more From the new observation tower. Perched kestrel. Cooper’s flew through. 

Nice looks at a female N Harrier from the main area. 

At Ellis Pond, I saw a Great Blue Heron and a N Mockingbird. 

I looked for the reported White-fronted Geese near Long Rd & Sugarbark in the cornfields but didn’t see them, only Canadas. A Red-tailed was being harassed by some crows. 

Blacklick was v quiet so I didn’t stay long.  

Then I chased the reported cackling Geese at Evans Park in Hebron but only mallards there. Ran into a couple birders who showed me where the fish hatchery is. Lots of Canada Geese and gulls but no Cackling. Great Blue Heron. Glad to know if this area—thx to Mike and Carol.

Gorgeous in the morning but rainy windy & cold later. 

Peggy Wang

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