Winter still had a good grip on this MetroPark south of Columbus, with few
unusual birds around.  I mostly worked the lakes around the park, including
Cruiser Pond, Confluence Area, Heron Pond, the Borrow Pits, and Winchester
Cove lakes.  Best finds were a Great Egret hunting along the edge of
Cruiser Pond, and a cluster of 5 Towhees in the Heron Pond area, likely
move-ins from further south.  Other notables were:

Waterfowl  - scant, with the only concentrations being at Cruiser Pond and
the Shannon Road Ponds, which had large flocks of geese and some Mallards.

Raptors - only common around Winchester Cove, where there was a Cooper's
hawk, 2 Red-tails, and a Kestrel.

Woodpeckers - regular species widespread, but also had a Pileated at the
Confluence area

Mockingbirds - singles were at Cruiser Pond and Winchester Cove lakes

Thrushes - Robins & Bluebirds wee surprisingly scarce hereabouts, with only
2 of the former (at Heron Pond) and 1 of the latter (at Confluence area)

Sparrows - flocks of White-throated were at many locations, suggesting an
early movement (along with the Towhees), but other species were scarce.


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