Early migration seemed on hold at these 2 MetroParks southeast of Columbus today, even though most of their wetlands were open.  I stopped at Cruiser Park in Groveport, Slate Run wetlands, the 5-Oaks Trail, Bareis Preserve, Ellis Pond at Pick Ponds, and the Wood Duck Picnic area at Pick Ponds.  All of the ponds and wetlands were largely ice-free, and had some geese and dabbling ducks, but few divers.  Landbirds were also fairly meager.  Notables included:

SandhillCranes - a quartet was hanging around Mallard Marsh at Pick Ponds, offering good views

Black Ducks - 2 were with a flock of Mallards at the Slate Run wetlands
N.Shoveler - only had 1 pair, at Mallard Marsh in Pick Ponds
Gadwalls - a flock of 16 was at Slate Run wetlands, while 5 were at Ellis Pond
N.Pintails - 6 were in Cruiser Pond in Groveport

Turkey Vulture - only 1, at Slate Run
Bald Eagles - the adult pair was hanging around near the nest south of Greenwing Pond
Red-tailed Hawks - had singles at several different locations

E.Bluebirds - singing males were at Slate Run wetlands, the 5-Oaks Trail, and Bareis Preserve
Horned Lark - not many, with only a few flyovers at Bareis Preserve
Warblers - all Yellow-rumps; the 5-Oaks Trail had 15+
Sparrows - 2 Tree Sparrows & 1 White-crowned Sparrows were at 5-Oaks Trail, while 1 Swamp Sparrow & 5 White-crowned Sparrows were at Bareis Preserve
Blackbirds - Redwings were at nearly every wetland, topped by 16+ at Wood Duck picnic area


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