The cold overcast morning made for a good fallout at this Westerville MetroPark, with lots of birds in woods along the Thomas Trail and bordering Shrock Lake.  The only problem was the gray sky background for tree-top warblers; fortunately, many of them were singing, but many of the quiet ones had to be passed off as "warbler sp.".  Notables included

Red-headed Woodpecker - an adult was along the north limb of the Thomas Trail
Flycatchers - 2 Great Crested and a Least were in the forest, while an E.Kingbird was at Shrock Lake
Swallows - Shrock lake had small #s of Tree, Barn, Rough-winged, and even a few Bank

Vireos - several Warblings around the Lake, while a Blue-headed was in the forest
Gnatcatchers,Kinglets - fair #s of both, with 5 Ruby-cr.Kinglets a boost
Thrushes - lots of Wood Thrushes on Thomas Tr., but had to work to find a Swainson's
Mimids - lots of Catbirds, but also had 2-3 Brown thrashers around field edges N of Lake

Warblers - lots of Yellow-rumps & Nashvilles, but also had Tennessees, Yellows, N.Parula, Bl.Thr.Greens, Blackburnian, N.Waterthrush, Ovenbirds, Palms, ComYellowthroats

Sparrows - nothing beyond the expected Chipping-Field-Song-WhiteThroat groups, beyond a few E.Towhees.
Buntings,Grosbeaks - 1 Indigo Bunting; also 4 Rose-br.Grosbeaks in forest along Thomas Tr
Tanagers - oddly enough, not a one
Orioles - 6-7 Baltimores, 2 Orchards, mostly near Shrock Lake


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