Highbanks Metro Park May 9, 2020 Big Meadows and river area  8:00am-9:45am
Lincolns sparrow, Bluebird, Tree swallow, Robin, Eastern Phoebe, field sparrow, Red-winged blackbird, downy woodpecker, Cardinal, Rose breasted grosbeak, bluejay, White throated sparrow, House wren, Song sparrow, goldfinch, common yellow throat warbler, Chipping sparrow, black vulture, Red bellied woodpecker, Carolina chickadee, Baltimore oriole (m & f), Canada goose, Northern flicker, Carolina wren, cormorant flyover,  cowbird, Nashville warbler, great egret flyover, Red tailed hawk, Scarlet Tanager, turkey (5), ruby crowned kinglet 
Paul GrahamWorthington


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