I hit some of the spots around the north end of Alum Creek Lake, hoping for migrants, but finding mostly cold. I stopped at the SR37 bridge, Howard Rd bridge, Hogback Rd Basin, and Hogback Ridge Preserve.  Reservoir water level was high, so dabblers & shorebirds were in short supply.  Landbirds also seemed suppressed by the cold weather (I was even sleeted on for a bit), but I was able to find some migrants, particularly in the protected ravines of Hogback Ridge.  Notables included:

Forster's Terns - had 1-2 at every stop along the reservoir.  Such graceful flyers!
Gulls - still a few Bonapartes', with 1-2 at most of the lake shore stops
Red-headed Woodpeckers - 2 were along Hogback Rd north of Hogback Basin
Flycatchers - Phoebes at several spots, while Gr.Crested was at Hogback Ridge
Swallows - small flocks of Barns were all over the reservoir, but also had Cliffs at SR37 bridge and Trees at Hogback Basin

Vireos - scarce, with Yellow-throated at several spots, but nothing else
Gnatcatchers,kinglets - a few Gnatcatchers at every stop, but no kinglets of any kind
Thrushes - a few Wood Thrushes, and that was all
Mimids - Catbirds at every stop, but no large numbers anywhere

Warblers - surprisingly scarce,  I finally found a few small flocks at Hogback Ridge.  Species included Nashville, Yellow, Parula, Chestnut-sided, Black-thr.Greens, Palms, Yellow-rumps (the most common), Yellow-throated, N & La Waterthrushes, Hooded, Ovenbirds

Sparrows - a White-crowned with a flock of White-throats at Hogback Ridge was unusual
Buntings,grosbeaks - Indigo Buntings were one of the few common migrants, with 2-3 along Hogback Rd and 4 at Hogback Ridge.
Tanagers - none
Orioles - Baltimores at all lake-side stops; Hogback Basin had 3-4


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