Stopped at several spots between Blacklick and Pickerington, including the riparian area along Blacklick Creek on the east side of Blacklick Woods, Sycamore Creek Park in Pickerington, and Pickerington Ponds.  Migrants were fairly abundant along both Blacklick and Sycamore Creeks, but disappointingly slight at Pick Ponds.  Notables included:

Waterfowl - hardly anything at Pick Ponds, except for the 2 Trumpeter Swans present for much of the Spring
Raptors - Osprey pairs at Pick Ponds, along with a Bald Eagle.  Cooper's Hawks at nearly every site, probably stalking the migrants

Flycatchers - Acadians & Great Cresteds at all sites
Swallows - Barns, Rough-wings, and Trees at most sites
Gnatcatchers,Kinglets - Gnatcatchers common along creeks;  no kinglets at any sites

Vireos - Warblings and Red-eyed common along the two creeks; White-eyed at Sycamore Creek and Ellis Pond in Pick Ponds
Thrushes - Wood Thrushes common at all sites; also had Veeries at several sites
Mimids - Catbirds abundant at all sites

Warblers - Sycamore Creek Park had the best diversity (12 species), but all sites had some.  List included Parulas, Yellows, Yellow-throated, Nashvilles, Tennessees, Magnolias, Chestnut-sided, Blackburnians, Black-thr.Greens. Black-thr.Blues, Black&Whites, Yellow-rumps, Redstarts, Ovenbirds, Com.Yellowthroats

Buntings,grosbeaks - Indigo Buntings widespread;  Rose-br.Grosbeaks only along the two creeks
Sparrows - noting unusual; even White-throated were scarce
Tanagers - a Summer was found in a small woodlot at Pickerongton North High School
Orioles - Baltimore Orioles abundant at all sites; 2 singing Orchard males at Pick Ponds
Chat - 1 was singing along along the Meadowlark Trail, a spot that had them in summers past


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