My wife and I birded Wooster Memorial Park, just east of Wooster, this morning. A few years ago, the park was expanded by purchasing the Kenwood Area adjacent to the original park. There are now paved, handicapped-accessible trails in this area. The Kenwood parking area is just east of the regular parking area off Silver Rd.

If you walk east to the far eastern part of the Kenwood area, behind a line of trees, there is an "old field" area that is grown up to multiflora roses and brushy vegetation with a few small trees. There is a mowed grass trail that circles this entire field. In 45 minutes of birding there this morning, we saw 20 bird species, including some pretty nice ones: 
E. bluebird (pair)
Grey catbird (several)
Yellow warbler (several)
Wilson's warbler (late migrant)
Yellow-breasted chat (3)
Scarlet tanager (2 or 3)
Rose-breasted grosbeak (pair)
Indigo bunting (pair)
Orchard oriole (one male-first we've seen that species in WMP)
Randy Rowe, Wooster


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