No obvious migrants, but plenty of interesting residents in the southern parts of this MetroPark southwest of Columbus.  I birded the Trail of Ancients, Terrace Trail, Wagtail Trail, and several spots in the Darby Wildlife Area, all south of Georgesville.  The cloudy, cool-ish morning seemed to keep a lot of birds singing, which helped in many locations.  Notables included:

Yellow-billed Cuckoos - arrived here in bulk, being present at every site, usually more than one.  Both Trail of Ancients and Terrace Trail had 5; Wagtail Trail had 4

Flycatchers - Lots of Pewees, Acadians, and Great Cresteds in forested areas.  Also had Willows & E.Kingbirds

Vireos - Red-eyed Vireos were unusually common; Terrace Trail had 14-15.  Also had Yellow-throated, Warbling, and White-eyed, none of which are unusual here.

Thrushes - nothing but Wood Thrushes & Robins

Mimids - Catbirds in many areas; also had a Brown Thrasher in Indian Ridge Prairie

Warblers - CommonYellowthroats were abundant in meadow areas, but also had
-Parula Warblers - singing in several areas along creek
-Yellow-thr.Warbler - 1 singing along Terrace Trail on creek
-KentuckyWarblers - at least 2 were singing along the Terrace Trail (SE section of loop)
-Ovenbirds - 2 were singing along the Terrace Trail (mostly NE section of loop)
-Redstart - 1 singing at SR665 bridge, one of the few reliable spots for them here
-Cerulean - 1 singing on hillside south of SR665 bridge.  This is the first breeding season bird I've had in the Park for over a decade.  This location apparently had them many years ago, according to the late Battelle-Darby Naturalist Mac Albin.

Tanagers - a Scarlet was along the Terrace Trail, while a Summer was singing along Grassle Rd down in the Wildlife Area

Buntings,Grosbeaks - lots of Indigo Buntings, but also had singing Rose-br.Grosbeaks at Terrace Trail and Wagtail Trail

Yellow-br.Chat - singing birds in meadows along Trail of Ancients and Wagtail Trail

Orioles - Baltimores in several spots along river.  Also had singing Orchards on Trail of Ancients, Terrace trail, and Wagtail Trail.

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