The following is a modified excerpt of an e-bird report from yesterday, I think is of interest, especially from our corner of Ohio. 

Bob Lane / Mahoning County

>>Elkton / Lusk-Lock & Fairmont Roads, Columbiana, Ohio, US
>>Jul 6, 2020 11:20 AM - 12:55 PM
>>Protocol: Traveling
>>2.8 mile(s)
>>Checklist Comments:     Successful Dickcissel check by my wife Denise and I. Eighty-four degrees. Unfortunately, most of the fields are now mowed! The significance of the Dickcissel find today, is that nesting was confirmed, for the first time, in Columbiana County. Also a large flock of Bobolinks was found, apparently staging for their long journey to the pampas regions of South America.
>>38 species
>>Turkey Vulture  14
>>Red-tailed Hawk  1
>>American Kestrel  2
>>Eastern Kingbird  2
>>American Crow  6
>>Northern Rough-winged Swallow  4
>>Barn Swallow  18
>>Cedar Waxwing  1
>>American Goldfinch  6
>>Grasshopper Sparrow  4
>>Chipping Sparrow  2
>>Field Sparrow  3
>>Savannah Sparrow  9
>>Song Sparrow  2
>>Eastern Towhee  2
>>Bobolink  28     With the fields bare from being mowed, no Bobolinks to be found in their spring fields. On our area departure, west of the barn on Fairmount Road, we found a large flock of Bobolinks staging in an undisturbed dry grassy field. Most of the males were already well into fall molting, with only two males still looking jet black. All the others in the flock, when in swarming flight, looked yellow-buff. To really appreciate Bobolinks, you have to relate to their upcoming journey. Columbiana County to as far south as Argentina in South America.
>>Eastern Meadowlark  10
>>Red-winged Blackbird  6
>>Brown-headed Cowbird  2
>>Indigo Bunting  4
>>Dickcissel  3  On Lusk Lock Road we spotted a female with food going down into a thick grassy area. We observed her returning to the same location numerous times. From a distance we could see the nest and a young one being fed in the thick grass under the fence (the last photo). There could have been other little ones, but without approaching and disturbing her and the nest, one was good enough. Directly across the road a male was singing his “dick dick dickcissel” song. The male was already into his fall molting, showing pale yellow on his chest, (the first photo). Soon the Dickcissels will be southbound headed to Venezuela. Columbiana County to northern South America. Pretty unbelievable.
       Photos on the e-bird checklist.


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