Update:  2 Black Scoters, 5 Surf Scoters, all female or young. They may
have flown toward the eastern end. There's a path into the woods east of
the volleyball court that will take you toward the eastern tip of the land,
and you can scope all along there.  They are very skittish, so check all
around the area.

On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 11:46 AM Brian <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Yesterday morning I found 5 Black Scoters at Turkeyfoot Lake, 4 female and
> 1 possible young male. We thought they flew for good, but this morning
> George Novosel and Joanne Priest went back and confirmed there are now at
> least 2 Black Scoters and also 2 Surf Scoters. The photos I've seen so far
> have all been female or young.  Best viewed with a scope from Portage Lakes
> State Park beach volleyball area, looking south. (40.968062, -81.543064)
> Brian Tinker


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