I visited these 2 parks at different times of the day: Blacklick Woods in
the morning and Blendon Woods in the afternoon.  Both had some of the
expected late migrants, but niether had any sizeable flocks.  The best spot
turned out to be the entrance to the Sassafras picnic area at Blacklick
Woods.  Notable birds for the day included:

Barred Owl - 1 was hunting along the Hickory Ridge Trail at Blendon
Cooper's hawk - heard them at both parks
Flycatchers - only Phoebes at Blacklick Woods
Vireos - nothing
Thrushes - heard 1-2 Swainson's at both spots
Mimids - only 1-2 Catbirds at each spot
Warblers - 8 species, most at Blacklick because of the morning start there,
included Parula, Nashvilles (2 at Blacklick, 3 at Blendon), Bay-breasted,
Yellow-rumped (most numerous), Black-thr.Greens, Black-thr.Blue,
ComYellowthroat, Wilson's

Sparrows - good numbers at both parks, including flocks of Chippings.  Also
had Fields, Songs, Towhees, and White-throats
Blackbirds - small groups of Redwings flying over both parks
Finches - Goldfinches at both spots, but Blacklick also had 1 Pine Siskin


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