Went out this morning.
At Coal road Park had Mallard Ducks, Canada Geese, 2 Wood Ducks, 2 Ruby Crowned Kinglets, Turkey Vulture, Crows,2 Blue Birds, Cardinals, Blue Jays, Red Winged Blackbirds, and Starlings.

Went to Seneca Lake:
AT the Fish Hatchery  had Canada Geese, a Great Blue Heron and several Killdeer.

At the Seneca Lake Park:

Near the Beach:
3 Double Crested cormorant.
30 ring Billed Gulls
Mallard ducks

At the picnic area:
a flock of more than 30 Cedar Waxwings
a number of Yellow Rumped Warblers
3 Juncos
Blue Birds, 
a Carolina Wren
a Flicker
Tufted Titmouse
Carolina Chicadee
Downy Woodpecker
a Yellow Bellied Sapsucker
A Red Bellied Woodpecker
Blue Jays

At the southeastern end of Seneca Lake

6 Coots
4 Northern Shovelers
Red Tailed Hawk
6 Mallards


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