I checked ebird for Savanah - ipswich. There’s one record to the north across Lake Erie.
Port Stanley I believe. Other than that, nothing. Makes sense - Ipswich is a coastal subspecies.
And winters in sand dune areas. Although I must admit I was expecting a few more on the map!
What with storm driven birds and all. 

I checked a couple books too but I don’t have much for Ohio yet. 

Good birding. 

Sandra Keller
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On Oct 28, 2020, at 5:52 PM, Peggy Wang <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I was walking the trails on both sides of the pond for a couple hours before a photographer, Dana, waved at me that he had the Le Conte’s in view.

Other birds for the time there:
Trumpeter Swans—3 flying over, honking—always a wonderful sound
Sandhill Cranes—2 then a group of 5, flyby and calling
Great Blue Heron
Bald Eagle—imm
N Harriers—one imm/female, one male
E Phoebe—calling
Belted KF
Downy and RB WPs
Tree Swallows, a few
Song Sparrows
Swamp Sparrows
Savannah Sparrow—this bird had quite pale coloration incl pale streaking—does Ohio see the Ipswich subspecies? I’m used to much darker Savannahs but except for a washed out appearance, it appeared to be a Savannah.
White-throated Sparrows (heard only)

No warblers, not even a Yellow-rumped! No ducks but except for a quick drive down wilderness rd, I didn’t spend any time looking for them.

Peggy Wang
Sent from my iPad

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