My friend and I went to the Berlin Lake mudflats today. We arrived at 9:30am at the small parking area on the north side of Price St., just east of Hwy 225, and birded that area until noon. There are wide expanses of mudflats open in that area now. After scoping the mudflats north of the parking area, we crossed Price Rd., and walked into the woods. We then hiked the shoreline around the peninsula, heading south, west, and then north into the cove across from the Deer Creek lake spillway. Walking was easy along the shore. Aside from the numerous killdeer, shorebirding was pretty slow. We did see 20-30 pectoral sandpipers, 5-6 lesser yellowlegs, 4 semipalm plovers, and about 10 least sandpipers. This is such a large area, that often the birds were way at the limit of scope view and hard to ID. Later in the day, we drove west on Price Rd to Deer Creek park, and walked the nice trail that goes around Deer Creek Lake to the spillway area that we had seen in our morning walk. Along the trail we found a small group of warblers - yellow-rumped, magnolia, blackpoll. From the spillway, we then could walk out into the mudflats from there quite easily. We picked up two solitary sandpipers, but that was all we added for that area - still lots of pecs and killdeer.

That was our first time at Berlin mudflats and it is certainly a great area of mudflats for shorebirds. Probably earlier in Sept would have yielded more shorebirds.
Randy Rowe, Wooster


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