Good evening! I visited Old Woman Creek in Huron Ohio today (11/29/2020) and around 1pm heard an unusual song. Hoping you can help me identify it. 

The song was a very clear three note call. It repeated frequently - back to back to back for about one minute. We heard people on the trail ahead of us and at first I thought it was maybe a child's toy so I listened when I should have been recording...The song persisted after the people advanced down the trail. I made a short recording and the quality is not great but at the 6 second mark you can hear the three notes. By the time I thought to record it a plane flew overhead, drowned out the song and then it stopped.

The 30 second audio clip is here:!AgUagNUIjJRugqQPhox5p-fTTtRc1Q?e=y8JIPC

02:00 (1 note)

06:00 (3 notes)

13:00 (2 notes)

23:00 (1 note)

We saw the following near the area: downy woodpecker, eastern bluebird, nuthatch, robin, flicker, red bellied woodpecker and goldfinch none of these seem to match.

My best guess right now is a musical robin - or possibly I was hearing a blend of two birds.

Any other ideas? Thank you in advance.


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