Thx to the directions provided by Charlie Bombaci, I visited the Delaware wildlife area for the first time today. 

The Long-tailed Duck was still there. Other ducks were Bufflehead (pair), Ring-billed, Black, one Ruddy Duck and Mallards. Lots of Canada Geese and Ring-billed Gulls. A few swans there also which I thought looked more like Trumpeters by size &  bill shape than Tundras but they were at some distance so I couldn’t tell if there was any yellow on the bill. One vocalized briefly and it sounded more like a trumpeter to me but that short call was all I heard while I was there.

A large and loud group of crows were mobbing a perched Red-shouldered Hawk while Another was flying nearby. Maybe a pair. Hard to say who was more upset, the crows or the hawks. 

Afterwards, I dropped by alum creek dam to find the celebrity Snowy Owl in a new spot for me, to the east of the parking lots about equidistant from the dam and the sledding hill near the road. She was sitting on the snow by a small bush for awhile, then preened & fluffed before flying away from us. She flew by the sledding hill then turned left towards the dam, settling on a more distant hill, again about halfway between the dam and the sledding hill. 

Photographers seemed well-behaved, keeping at a reasonable distance. I’m amazed the owl didn’t seem ruffled by all the kids sledding & screaming. Guess she’s seen it all by now. She seemed settled in at her new spot when I left. 

Peggy Wang

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