I went to the Wilds today.  did manage to see the Lapland Longspurs along Zion Ridge Rd.  May have spooked two other small flocks along the way.

Had Northern Harrier, a Coopers Hawk, two Red Tailed Hawks circling each other, Lots of Juncos, several Kestrels, and Crows.

Stopped at Seneca Lake on the way home.
Usually large flock of Canada Geese, one Canvas Back, a small flock of Red Breasted Mergansers, at least 7 Hooded Mergansers, 4 Mallards, 2 Scaup, 2 Common Goldeneye. Saw 3 Great Blue Heron, a Coopers Hawk, and one lone Gull - flying away. One turkey vulture.

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