Mike Sponsler
I've been birding all spring at Blendon Woods with almost no migrant results. I Arrived at the Blendon Woods Nature Center at 6:45Am greeted by the roar of the loudest riding mower on earth. The park's scorched earth landscaping was in full swing. I saw ZERO migrants, but I admit I had an attitude and I  spent only an hour, because the roar of the mower was so annoying. I also noted only 2 cars in the lot. Hmmm. Is Blendon Woods losing it's birding mojo?

Woodside Green Park in Gahanna. 
This park borders a stream and has a better birding ambiance. There was  much more activity. I heard many birds but since my song ID ing is so poor, I was not able to identify most of the singers. I saw the following warblers:
Black-throated green, black and white, and magnolia.
I heard a common yellowthroat. 
I saw a pair of warblers that appeared to have no discernible field marks. 

Several common residents were seen or heard, i.e. 
Acadian flycatcher
Red-eyed vireo
Blue jay
Downy Woodpecker
Red-bellied woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker
Wood ducks
Starlings using a cavity in a sycamore
Red-winged blackbirds

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