The Columbus Audubon field trip to Scioto Audubon MetroPark and Greenlawn Cemetery found a pretty birdy morning.  Though numbers were not high (and foliage was pretty advanced), diversity of birds was excellent, with a steady stream of new species seen across the morning.  Included in the totals were:

Red-headed Woodpeckers - the 3 reported around the Cemetery feeders were still there, putting on quite a show.
Flycatchers - E.Phoebes & Great Crested were at the Cemetery
Swallows - Barns,Trees, and Rough-wings were all foraging over the river at Scioto Audubon
Vireos - Warblings were common at Scioto Audubon
Thrushes - Veeries and Woods were at both the Pit and the Ravine in the Cemetery. A few Swainsons were at both Scioto & the Cemetery
Mimids - only had Catbirds, but they were abundant
Warblers - Yellow-rumps were the most common at both spots, but also had Ovenbirds, Prothonotary (heard at Scioto), Parulas, Nashville, Blue-winged (cemetery), Black-thr.Greens, Black-thr.Blue, Blackburnian, Magnolia, Pine (cemetery), Yellows (many at Scioto), N.Waterthrush (at both Scioto and the Cemetery Pit), Redstart, CommonYellowthroat

Grosbeaks,Buntings - saw Rose-breasted and heard Indigo Buntings at the Cemetery
Sparrows - still a few White-throateds around at both spots
Orioles - Baltimores were abundant at Scioto and present at Greenlawn, while Sioto had 2 singing Orchard Orioles.

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