
Well, Lawrence Woods is finally starting to pop a little...It has been like everywhere else, suffering from a north wind migration. :-) Very quiet until today. Still no mosquitoes, so thank goodness for small miracles. :-D

The Flycatchers are back.  Today I had Acadian everywhere.  Along with one Least, and some Great Crested.
Warblers are here and there....Look UP! :-D  Today, they were mostly along the back of the trail.
I heard a Prothonotary Warbler a couple of days ago, but it looks like it has moved on to somewhere else.  There is probably an Ovenbird nest somewhere around the back left corner of the trail...I do not know where it is, but they are staying closer to the boardwalk than usual.
For the last couple of days, I have had an immature Broad-winged Hawk at point blank range. It seemed to be hunting small animals, and didn't care about me.  Flew into the edge of the woods, and landed right in front of me...TWICE! Weird for Lawrence Woods. There are at least two Yellow-breasted Chats chatting it up in the prairie can be heard from the parking lot.

I am still expecting some warblers species to fly in over the next few weeks...The only ones that are seeming to defend territory are the afore mentioned Ovenbirds,
Common Yellowthroat and Yellow Warblers.  I have heard only a couple of Parulas, but they were very faint...normally there is one or two around the boardwalk.  Also, no Ceruleans as of yet.

No Bobolinks or Dickcissels in the area as of yet.

That is about it, today's list is below.  Please take a plastic bag and practice PLIRDING (Picking up Litter while bIRDING [Can anyone tell what podcast I listen to. :-D ]) So far, I have picked up about a kitchen trash bag full of trash from Lawrence Woods...not as much as other places...Our trail gets patrolled for litter almost daily, and I don't get to pick it all up...just the highlights. :-D

Have a very birdy weekend, and God Bless!
Steve J

Lawrence Woods State Nature Preserve--Woods Boardwalk, Hardin, Ohio, US
May 14, 2021 11:20 AM - 2:02 PM
Protocol: Traveling
1.41 mile(s)
56 species

Canada Goose  2
Ring-necked Pheasant  1
Mourning Dove  2
Great Blue Heron  1
Turkey Vulture  9
Barred Owl  3
Red-headed Woodpecker  2
Red-bellied Woodpecker  5
Downy Woodpecker  2
Hairy Woodpecker  1
Pileated Woodpecker  2
Eastern Wood-Pewee  1
Acadian Flycatcher  4
Least Flycatcher  1
Great Crested Flycatcher  4
Blue-headed Vireo  1
Red-eyed Vireo  2
Blue Jay  2
American Crow  4
Carolina Chickadee  2
Tufted Titmouse  2
Purple Martin  3
Tree Swallow  5
Barn Swallow  6
White-breasted Nuthatch  5
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  2
House Wren  3
European Starling  6
Gray Catbird  3
Brown Thrasher  1
Swainson's Thrush  2
Wood Thrush  4
American Robin  5
American Goldfinch  10
Field Sparrow  4
Song Sparrow  10
Eastern Towhee  4
Yellow-breasted Chat  2
Eastern Meadowlark  5
Baltimore Oriole  3
Red-winged Blackbird  10
Brown-headed Cowbird  1
Common Grackle  8
Ovenbird  1
Northern Waterthrush  1
Black-and-white Warbler  2
Tennessee Warbler  1
Common Yellowthroat  3
American Redstart  1
Northern Parula  2
Blackburnian Warbler  2
Yellow Warbler  8
Scarlet Tanager  3
Northern Cardinal  5
Rose-breasted Grosbeak  1
Indigo Bunting  1

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