Had a surprisingly good morning at Denison bio reserve despite a latish start & the muggy heat. 

Best bird was a beautiful male Mourning Warbler that initially, I only heard—right where I had heard (& not seen) it this past Tuesday before I left for my trip to McGee. 

Today he sang frequently and I was able to get good looks a couple times through holes in the undergrowth as he moved parallel to the path. At one point, he perched briefly above eye level as if to check me out and even sang, then went back to skulking. Much more typical behavior than that of the celebrity Mourning on the magee boardwalk last week. 

V happy to have had such good looks at Mourning warblers this spring—now if I can just find a Connecticut!

As I was trying for looks at the Mourning Warbler, a N Waterthrush sounded off behind me. It would fall silent and then start up again but I was never able to track it down.

 I was able to find the pair of Prairie Warblers on what I think is their territory so I really think they might be attempting to nest which is very cool. Male was perching & singing while the female fed in the low shrubs. 

Chats were quite vocal & could be seen perched from time to time. I found Kentucky Warblers in 2 distinct locations so I think there are at least two nesting pairs. Interestingly, the KYs were singing different songs—one the typical song; the other, a two-part song.  I also saw a semi-cooperative Hooded Warbler. 

At my house, I had Chimney Swifts & Great Crested FC. 

Mourning (male)
N Waterthrush 
Com YT
BT Blue H
N Parula H

Swainson’s Thrush
Wood Thrush
E Bluebird
Indigo Bunting
Acadian FC
E Peewee
Cedar Waxwing
E Kingbird
Green Heron
Empid sp

Yesterday, a brief walk at the land lab was quiet. A couple Willow FCs, E Kingbird, female Orchard Oriole. Did not see/hear any Sedge Wrens or Bobolinks. 

Peggy Wang

Sent from my iPhone

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