Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland is pleased to invite you to a FREE Zoom
presentation on Thursday, February 17th at 7:00pm titled "A Tour of
iNaturalist" with Linda Gilbert, Naturalist with Geauga Park District
(Geauga County, OH). You can register for this free program on our website
at <>  and clicking
on the program name on the home page.

iNaturalist is a way for you to learn about the plants and animals you see
in your travels afield, while contributing to real science. Linda will take
us through the basics of using iNat, from creating an account to entering
your observations, and it can all be done using your smartphone.

While you are on the website, look at our other upcoming programs for March,
April and May.

A reminder will be email to all participants 24 hours before the program.

Matt Valencic

Chair - Education Committee

Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland


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