Since the rain held off, I had a more leisurely walk than I had expected to have this morning.

I started at Denison and altho it was fairly quiet, I was excited to pick up 2 new birds for the Reserve: Blue Grosbeak and a briefly heard Whip-poor-will! I've occ seen Blue Grosbeak at the nearby Land Lab but never at the Reserve. I heard its distinctive call note & located a first summer male foraging low in the Swallow Field. V cool. 

Then, not long after that, I was amazed to hear a Whip-poor-will in the distance--it called 3 times then was silent. I figured they were prob in the area and have stopped by near dusk a few times but have never heard them until today.

Com YT
Am Redstart
Blue-winged (h)
Prairie (h)
KY (h)


E Phoebe (h)

Blue Grosbeak FOY
E Whip-poor-will FOY 
Scarlet Tanager pair
Baltimore Oriole mixing it up with the Scarlet Tanagers
Tree Swallows
E Kingbird

Wood Thrush (h)

Field & Song Sparrows

I then went to the Land Lab and was happy to see/hear my FOY Orchard Oriole--both an adult male & a first summer male. 

Orchard Oriole FOY
Willow FCs perched & calling
Great Blue Heron
Mockingbird singing
E Kingbird

Com YT
Yellow Warbler

Peggy Wang


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