Blacklick Metro ParkBirding was pretty good but singing decreased considerably by midmorning.Golden winged warbler    Magnolia warblers    Black throated green warblers    Black throated blue warblers    Cape May warbler    Ovenbirds    Nashville warblers    Blackburnian warblers    Chestnut sided warblers    Northern parulas    yellow rumped warblers    Blue winged warbler (heard)    black and white warblers    Hooded warblers    Northern waterthrush    American redstarts    yellow warbler (heard)Baltimore orioles    red headed woodpecker    wood thrush    Veery    Swainson's thrush    Gray cheeked thrush    Hermit thrush  quite the surprise    Blue headed vireos    red eyed vireorose breasted grosbeaksscarlet tanager (heard)ruby crowned kinglets    Least flycatcher    great crested flycatcherWarbling vireo (heard)great horned owl
Woodside Green (afternoon)Pine warbler    yellow warbler    Nashville warbler    black and white warbler  yellow rumped warblers      yellow throated warbler (heard)    ovenbird (heard)    Black throated blue warbler (heard)Black throated green warbler (heard)    Baltimore orioles    yellow throated vireo
Bob McNulty


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